Scholarly and Other Published Mentions of DiscoverText

This list is drawn from Google Scholar and submissions from our users as they get published. It represents a very wide interdisciplinary swath of the academic research industry. The titles suggest a burgeoning new scholarly interest in accessing Twitter data for research and educational purposes. We currently provide researchers with a simple method to access the Twitter Search API. Many of these articles reflect four years of access to the Gnip Premium Twitter API and the full history of Twitter (minus the deletions via) our decomissioned product Sifter. More than 100 authenticated reviewers report that our search, filter, de-duplication, clustering, human coding, measurement, and machine-learning tools continue to be useful whether you are teaching or researching @twitter or other text data.

Read the user reviews here!

  1. Relationships Between Social TV and Enjoyment: A Content Analysis of The Walking Dead's Story Sync Experience
  2. Parody of esteem? LAD and the rise of 'silly citizenship'
  3. Examining Engagement With Sport Sponsor Activations on Twitter
  4. The accuracy of transfer learning using neural network method for sentiment analysis problem on Indonesian tweets (OPEN ACCESS)
  5. Government's echo. Twitter discussions around news topics in Russian networked authoritarianism
  6. AI, Public Service and Research Methodology
  7. Saving social media data: Understanding data management practices among social media researchers and their implications for archives
  8. Use of Social Media to Seek and Provide Help in Hurricanes Florence and Michael (OPEN ACCESS)
  9. #notokay: challenging sexual violence through digital health activism
  10. Digital Feminism and Affective Splintering: South Korean Twitter Discourse on 500 Yemeni Refugees
  11. Seeing and Responding: How Students Perceive School Personnel to Fail to Respond to Bullying
  12. Communicating Autism on the Internet The Emerging of Neurodiversity Movement in Indonesia
  13. The Perception of LGBTQ Influencers on Social Media
  14. Political hashtag publics and counter-visuality: a case study of #fertilityday in Italy
  15. "I can’t believe #Ziggy #Stardust died": Stance, fan identities and multimodality in reactions to the death of David Bowie on Instagram
  16. Standing out in a networked communication context: Toward a network contingency model of public attention
  17. Contesting Legitimacy: Protest and the Politics of Signification in Post-Revolutionary Egypt
  18. Turf wars: Using social media network analysis to examine the suspected astroturfing campaign for the Adani Carmichael Coal mine on Twitter
  19. AI, Public Service and Research Methodology
  20. Hot weather, hot topic. Polarization and sceptical framing in the climate debate on Twitter
  21. Image-based Social Media and Visual Content Analysis: Insights from a Literature Review
  22. Saving social media data: Understanding data management practices among social media researchers and their implications for archives
  23. Political narrating in non-political crises: narrativity practices on Persian Twitter during the 2017 Kermanshah earthquake
  24. Microlevel Movements Matter: Persuasion, Identity Performance, Performative Agency, And Resistance In Egypt On Twitter During The Egyptian Arab Spring
  25. Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education
  26. Zika Outbreak of 2016: Insights from Twitter
  27. Students’ Reasons for Why They Were Targeted for In-School Victimization and Bullying
  28. Data privacy and political distrust: corporate 'pro liars,' 'gridlocked Congress,' and the Twitter issue public around the US privacy legislation
  29. Claims-Making and Transnational Spaces: Contesting the Scope of Climate Change Discourse on Twitter
  30. Intraday Intermedia Agenda-Setting in the Manic World of Online News Reporting
  31. Status and Expertise in the Structuring of Reciprocal Exchanges on Twitter: Replies, Retweets, and Mentions During National Diabetes Awareness Month
  32. The Data loop of media and audience: How audiences and media actors make datafication work
  33. Online Political Communication Research Methods
  34. The Story of Goldilocks and Three Twitter’s APIs: A Pilot Study on Twitter Data Sources and Disclosure (OPEN ACCESS)
  36. Tweeting Grenfell: Discourse and networks in critical constructions of British Muslim social boundaries on social media
  37. Cosmopolitan Dimensions of Virality and “The Boy in the Ambulance”
  38. Recovering from Scandals: Twitter Coverage of Oxfam and Save the Children Scandals
  39. Pro-social messages and transcendence: A content analysis of Facebook reactions to Mark Zuckerberg’s donation pledge
  40. It Takes a Village: A Social Network Approach to NGOs’ International Public Engagement
  41. “To Ferguson, Love Palestine”: mediating life under occupation
  42. Thick Big Data: Doing Digital Social Sciences
  43. Memeing and Speaking Vernacular Security on Social Media: YouTube and Twitter Resistance to an ISIS Islamist Terror Threat to Marseille, France
  44. Event Detection Using Twitter Platform
  45. Variation across Scales: Measurement Fidelity under Twitter Data Sampling
  46. ‘Brussels will land on its feet like a cat’: motivations for memefying #Brusselslockdown
  47. Free and Low-Cost Twitter Research Software Tools for Social Science
  48. Unraveling Public Health Crises Across Stages: Understanding Twitter Emotions and Message Types During the California Measles Outbreak
  49. Exploring Political Journalism Homophily on Twitter: A Comparative Analysis of US and UK Elections in 2016 and 2017
  50. Analyzing Twitter Data: Advantages and Challenges in the Study of UN Climate Negotiations
  51. The application of the sentiment analysis technique in social media as a tool for social management practices at the governmental level
  53. Covering Trump’s ‘Carnival’: A Rhetorical Alternative to ‘Objective’ Reporting
  54. Novel insights into views towards H1N1 during the 2009 Pandemic: a thematic analysis of Twitter data
  55. Blurring European and Islamic values or brightening the good – bad Muslim dichotomy? A critical analysis of French Muslim victims of Jihadi terror online on twitter and in Le Monde newspaper
  56. VATAS: An Open-Source Web Platform for Visual and Textual Analysis of Social Media (OPEN ACCESS)
  57. Social media analytics: analysis and visualisation of news diffusion using NodeXL
  58. Mapping Information of Fire Events, from VGI Source (Twitter), for Effective Disaster Management (in Greece); The Fire of North-East Attica, August 2017, (Greece) Case Study
  59. Big Data & New Data: Ein Ausblick auf die Herausforderungen im Umgang mit Social-Media-Inhalten als neue Art von Forschungsdaten (An outlook on the challenges of using social media content as a new kind of research data)
  60. Using Social Network Analysis to Study Twitter Data in the Field of International Agreements
  62. İletişim Teknolojileri ve Toplumsal Hareketler: Sistematik Bir Literatür İncelemesi (Communication Technologies and Social Movements: A Systematic Literature Review)
  63. Looking for Insight, Transformation, and Learning in Online Talk
  64. Communication About Hereditary Cancers on Social Media: A Content Analysis of Tweets About Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer and Lynch Syndrome
  65. Nursing Organizations’ Health Policy Content on Facebook and Twitter Preceding the 2016 United States Presidential Election
  66. Shouting on social media? A borderscapes perspective on a contentious hashtag
  67. Pro-social messages and transcendence: A content analysis of Facebook reactions to Mark Zuckerberg’s donation pledge
  68. Towards a social media research methodology: Defining approaches and ethical concerns
  69. The struggle for ‘our streets’: the digital and physical spatial politics of the Ferguson Movement
  70. Environmental framing on Twitter: Impact of Trump’s Paris Agreement withdrawal on climate change and ocean acidification dialogue
  71. El uso ritual de las pantallas entre jóvenes universitarios/as. Una experiencia de dieta digital
  72. Cell phones at the school house: Expectations of privacy, interpretation of protection and the response of schools
  73. An Investigation of Autism Support Groups on Facebook
  74. Contesting rumours on social media during acute events: The 2014 Sydney siege and 2015 Tianjin blasts
  75. Social Media Research After the Fake News Debacle
  76. How the discussion on a contested technology in Twitter changes: Semantic network analysis of tweets about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology
  77. A Phenomenological Study of Counseling Students’ Experiences with Ambiguity
  78. The Gigatown Competition in New Zealand: competition as digital infrastructure allocation?
  79. Moral Panic through the Lens of Twitter: An Analysis of Infectious Disease Outbreaks
  80. Not a Twitter Revolution: Anti-neoliberal and Antiracist Resistance in the Ferguson Movement
  81. Public Perception Analysis of Tweets During the 2015 Measles Outbreak: Comparative Study Using Convolutional Neural Network Models
  82. ‘Brussels will land on its feet like a cat’: motivations for memefying #Brusselslockdown
  83. Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Überblick über die Unterschiede der qualitativen sowie quantitativen Forschungsmethode (Introduction to scientific work. Overview of the differences between the qualitative and quantitative research method)
  84. Der Fall Bautzen: Eine Netzwerkanalyse zur Entstehung digitaler Öffentlichkeiten (The Bautzen case: A network analysis on the emergence of digital publics)
  85. Information, Opinion, or Rumor? The Role of Twitter During the Post-Electoral Crisis in Côte d’Ivoire
  86. Tuiteo testimonial. La voz (y los ojos) del pueblo en las protestas contra el impeachment en Brasil (Testimonial Tweet. The voice (and eyes) of the people in the protests against the impeachment in Brazil)
  87. Using Social Media Data for Research: An Overview of Tools
  88. Preliminary research on thesaurus-based query expansion for Twitter data extraction
  89. Measuring the Effect of Public Health Campaigns on Twitter: The Case of World Autism Awareness Day
  90. Twitter use at the 2016 Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health: analyzing #DIScience16
  91. Consideraciones generales para la aplicación del Big Data en negocios de redes de Mercado (General considerations for the application of Big Data in market network businesses)
  92. Questions of social media research ethics in online ideology critique
  93. Visualizing the Paris Climate Talks on Twitter: Media and Climate Stakeholder Visual Social Media During COP211
  94. Citizens at the Gates
  95. Tweeting about measles during stages of an outbreak: A semantic network approach to the framing of an emerging infectious disease
  96. Using Twitter Data to Determine Hurricane Category: An Experiment
  97. Herramienta para la extracción de opiniones en Twitter (Tool for the extraction of opinions on Twitter)
  98. Social Media and the Capitalist Crisis
  99. Discussing Environmental Issues in Chinese Social Media: An Analysis of Greenpeace China’s Weibo Posts and Audience Responses
  100. Twitter textual data and content analytics–Tools to strengthen company’s internationalization
  101. Altruistic or “pinkwashed” CSR discourse: A big-data analysis of corporate and non-profit LGBTQ values
  102. Mapping Italian News Media Political Coverage in the Lead-Up of 2018 General Election
  103. The Refugee/Migrant Crisis Dichotomy on Twitter: A Network and Sentiment Perspective
  104. Learning in the Wild: Coding Reddit for Learning and Practice
  105. Fanning the Flames: An Examination of Uses and Gratifications Sought During the Gatlinburg Wildfires of 2016
  106. We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know: When and How the Use of Twitter’s Public APIs Biases Scientific Inference
  107. Online Political Activism in Syria: Sentiment Analysis of Social Media
  108. Levels of governance in policy innovation cycles in community education: the cases of Education for Sustainable Development and Climate Change Education
  109. The Power of Social Networks: How the UNFCCC Secretariat Creates Momentum for Climate Education
  110. Metody výzkumu politické komunikace v nových médiích: Přehledová studie (Research Methods of Political Communication in New Media: A Review Study)
  111. Twitter jako przedmiot badań socjologicznych i źródło danych społecznych: perspektywa konstruktywistyczna. (Twitter as a subject of sociological research and a source of social data: a constructivist perspective)
  112. Political Messaging in Digital Spaces: The Case of Twitter in Mexico’s Presidential Campaign
  113. Desafiando as Fronteiras do Jornalismo Por Meio de Objetos Comunicativos: Berlim como uma cidade Bike-Friendly e# Radentscheid (Challenging the Frontiers of Journalism Through Communicative Objects: Berlin as a Bike-Friendly City and # Radentscheid.)
  114. Un observatoire pour la modélisation et l’analyse des réseaux multi-relationnels (An observatory for the modeling and analysis of multi-relational networks.)
  115. A Network Approach to the Use of Social Media in the Youth Olympic Games and the Olympic Games
  116. Ambiguités turques (Turkish ambiguities.)
  117. Mixed-initiative social media analytics at the World Bank: Observations of citizen sentiment in Twitter data to explore “trust” of political actors and state institutions and its relationship to social protest
  118. Pro-ana versus Pro-recovery: A Content Analytic Comparison of Social Media Users’ Communication about Eating Disorders on Twitter and Tumblr
  119. Longitudinal Network Centrality Using Incomplete Data
  120. Following #JillMeagher: Collective meaning-making in response to crime events via social media
  121. Campaigning for Gender Equality Through Social Media: The European Women’s Lobby
  122. Twitter, Public Engagement and the Eurocrisis: More than an Echo Chamber?
  123. ‘There’s a Starman waiting in the sky’: Mourning David #Bowie on Twitter
  124. Problem Definition and Causal Attribution During the Republican National Convention: How #MAGA Discourse on Twitter Framed America’s Problems and the People Responsible
  125. Challenges in the Analysis of Online Social Networks: A Data Collection Tool Perspective
  126. La creación de comunidad en Twitter alrededor de un medio inexistente, El Español. (The creation of community on Twitter around a nonexistent medium, The Spanish)
  127. A Systematic Methodology for Preserving the Whole in Large-Scale Qualitative-Temporal Research
  128. Twitter and Non-Elites: Interpreting Power Dynamics in the Life Story of the (#)BRCA Twitter Stream
  129. Turning the inside out: Social media and the broadcasting of indigenous discourse
  130. Social Media Analytics
  131. Integration of Information Technologies’ Dynamic Development into Academic Teaching Process
  132. The Paris Climate Talks (COP21) in Visual Social Media
  133. Using Twitter as a data source: an overview of social media research tools (updated for 2017)
  134. Can social media reveal the preferences of voters? A comparison between sentiment analysis and traditional opinion polls
  135. Potato Chips, Cookies, and Candy Oh My! Public Commentary on Proposed Rules Regulating Competitive Foods
  136. Topics discussed on twitter at the beginning of the 2014 Ebola epidemic in United States
  137. Data Analytics and Data Mining for Social Media
  138. Συλλογή και ανάλυση δεδομένων του Twitter: Μελέτη των tweets για το iPhone 7
  139. The Retweet as a Function of Electronic Word-of-Mouth Marketing: A Study of Athlete Endorsement Activity on Twitter
  140. Destination eWOM: A macro and meso network approach?
  141. Retweeting in health promotion: Analysis of tweets about Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  142. A Systematic Methodology for Preserving the Whole in Large-Scale Qualitative-Temporal Research
  143. The social amplification of risk on Twitter: the case of ash dieback disease in the United Kingdom
  144. MISNIS: An intelligent platform for twitter topic mining
  145. Perceptions of Menthol Cigarettes Among Twitter Users: Content and Sentiment Analysis
  146. Spanish and Portuguese journalists on Twitter: best practices, interactions and most frequent behaviors
  147. Interpreting Hashtag Politics: Policy Ideas in an Era of Social Media
  148. Twitter in Politics: A Comprehensive Literature Review
  149. A Hashtag Worth a Thousand Words: Discursive Strategies Around #JeNeSuisPasCharlie After the 2015 Charlie Hebdo Shooting
  150. Извличане на знания от неструктурирани данни чрез анализ на мнението на потребители. (Retrieving knowledge from unstructured data through consumer opinion analysis)
  151. Impact of a Brand Crisis on Nation Branding: An Analysis of Tweets about VW’s Emissions Crisis
  152. Adaptation policy and community discourse: risk, vulnerability, and just transformation
  153. Textual Paralanguage and Its Implications for Marketing Communications
  154. Using Twitter to Predict Investor Decisions
  155. Tweeting for peace? Twitter and the Ardoyne parade dispute in Belfast, July 2014
  156. Immigration Reform Power Tweeters: Part 1
  157. Immigration Reform Power Tweeters: Part 2
  158. Twitter and crisis communication: an overview of tools for handling social media in real time
  159. Lariat: A Visual Analytics Tool for Social Media Researchers to Explore Twitter Datasets
  160. Twitter Use During TV: A Full-Season Analysis of #serviziopubblico Hashtag
  161. From digital positivism and administrative big data analytics towards critical digital and social media research!
  162. Planning to Evaluate Earned, Social/Digital Media Campaigns From Theory to Application: Why Platform Matters
  163. Collecting and Coding Twitter Data in DiscoverText from Jill Hopke
  164. Doing Good with Data: Alternative Practices, Elephants in Rooms
  165. Civic Tech Assessment Resources 3: Content and Semantic Analysis
  166. Innovations in Digital Research Methods
  167. Qualitative Inquiry and Global Crises
  168. The Next Step in Online Persuasion
  169. ‘The Germans are back’: Euroscepticism and anti-Germanism in crisis-stricken Greece
  170. Can Twitter data help your research project?
  171. Prediction Markets, Twitter and Bigotgate
  172. Framing the 2014 Indonesian Presidential Candidates in Newspapers and on Twitter
  173. Working Within a Black Box: Transparency in the Collection and Production of Big Twitter Data
  174. Internet Studies: Past, Present, and Future Directions
  175. Topic Analysis of Tweets on the European Refugee Crisis Using Non-negative Matrix Factorization
  176. Sharing Information Promoting Unhealthy Behavior through Social Media: Examination of the Users and the Content Using the Case of Pro-Anorexia in Tumblr
  177. Big Data from China and Its Implication for the Study of the Chinese State — A Research Report on the 2014 Hongkong Protests on Weibo
  178. To Be or Not to Be Charlie: Twitter Hashtags as a Discourse and Counter-discourse in the Aftermath of the 2015 Charlie Hebdo Shooting in France
  179. Embracing the Social in Social Media: An Analysis of the Social Media Marketing Strategies of the Los Angeles Kings
  180. Analyzing Social Media Data and Web Networks
  181. Exploring the hidden influence of international treaty secretariats: using social network analysis to analyse the Twitter debate on the ‘Lima Work Programme on Gender’
  182. Shared mobile displays: an exploratory study of their use in a museum setting
  183. #Sponsoring the #FrenchOpen: An Examination of Social Media Buzz and Sentiment
  184. Twitter and Fashion Forecasting: An Exploration of Tweets regarding Trend Identification for Fashion Forecasting
  185. Exploring Correlations Between TV Viewership and Twitter Conversations in Italian Political Talk Shows
  186. Does Chatter Matter? Predicting Music Sales with Social Media
  187. Which Countries Does the World Talk About? An Examination of Factors that Shape Country Presence on Twitter
  188. Toward automated e-cigarette surveillance: Spotting e-cigarette proponents on Twitter
  189. Visual Twitter Analytics (Vista): Temporally changing sentiment and the discovery of emergent themes within sport event tweets
  190. Posting About Politics: Media as Resources For Political Expression on Facebook
  191. “Not So Black and White”: Discussions of Race on Twitter in the Aftermath of #Ferguson and the Shooting Death of Mike Brown
  192. Digital technologies in the research process: Lessons from the digital research community in the UK
  193. Facebook as a virtual mosque: the online protest against Innocence of Muslims
  194. The Internet and European Integration: Pro-and Anti-EU Debates in Online News Media
  195. The use of Twitter as a means of political participation</a>&nbsp;(Greek language)</span></li>
  196. A Tutorial for Using Twitter Data in the Social Sciences: Data Collection, Preparation, and Analysis
  197. Researching protest on Facebook: developing an ethical stance for the study of Northern Irish flag protest pages
  198. Propagation of information about Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention through Twitter
  199. ‘Tweet or be sacked’: Twitter and the new elements of journalistic practice
  200. Social Media Scholarship in Sport Management Research: A Critical Review
  201. Eurocrisis and the Media: Preserving or Undermining Democracy?
  202. Towards Area-Smart Data Science: Critical Questions for Working with Big Data from China
  203. Online Stakeholder Interactions in the Early Stage of a Megaproject
  204. Identifying relevant information for emergency services from twitter in response to natural disaster
  205. Critically engaging with social media research methods
  206. The Contribution of Websites and Blogs to the Students’ Protest Communication Tactics During the 2010 UK University Occupations
  207. Speculating on the Future of Tools for Qualitative Research
  208. Proactive and reactive e-government services recommendation
  209. Social Television: Audience and Political Engagement
  210. Mixed-initiative social media analytics at the World Bank
  211. Are We Still Winter? Hashtag Legacy a Year After #wearewinter
  212. Hashtagging politics: Transnational anti-fracking movement Twitter practices
  213. Discourse over a contested technology on Twitter: A case study of hydraulic fracturing
  214. Politics as usual? Revolution, normalization and a new agenda for online deliberation
  215. ‘Success’ and online political participation: The case of Downing Street E-petitions
  216. Prevalence of Marijuana-Related Traffic on Twitter, 2012–2013: A Content Analysis
  217. From “Third Place” to “Third Space”: Everyday Political Talk in Non-Political Online Spaces
  218. Explaining the Rights Revolutions? The Rise (and Fall?) of Rights Themes in Presidential Rhetoric
  219. Flooding Twitter with the Ice Bucket Challenge
  220. Tweeting live shows: a content analysis of live-tweets from three entertainment programs
  221. Understanding International Policy Networks and their Influence on Climate Policy-making
  222. Fragmentation and visibility in a big tent: Digital communication and the People’s Climate March
  223. Stuttgart’s black Thursday on Twitter: Mapping Political Protests with Social Media Data
  224. Television experience and political discussion on Twitter: Exploring online conversations during the 2014 Brazilian presidential elections
  225. The Ebola epidemic on Twitter: challenges for health informatics
  226. Comparison of Twitter APIs and Tools for Analysing Tweets Related to&nbsp;the Ebola Virus Disease
  227. YouTube and Truvada: Viewer Responses to Videos about Pre-Exposure&nbsp;Prophylaxis for HIV
  228. Teaching Community Mental Health in California: A Statewide Content Analysis of Course Outlines
  229. An Exploratory Analysis of Pediatric&nbsp;Hospice and Palliative Care&nbsp;Dialogue on Social Media
  230. Analyzing Advertisements on Twitter during Valentine’s month
  231. A Semantic Network Analysis of Twitter Reaction to the Ferguson Grand Jury Decision: Implications for Framing and Deliberation
  232. Presents of God: The Marketing of the American Prosperity Gospel
  233. Responsible Retailing in the Greek Crisis? Corporate Engagement, CSR Communication, and Social Media
  234. A comparative analysis of tools and technologies for policy making
  235. Propagation of Information About Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention Through Twitter
  236. Translocal Frame Extensions in a Networked Protest: Situating the #IdleNoMore hashtag
  237. Hybrid spaces of politics: the 2013 general elections in Italy, between talk shows and Twitter
  238. Searching and Clustering Methodologies Connecting Political Communication Content across Platforms
  239. Avaliação do método de análise de sentimento em mídias sociais aplicado na Gestão Social e política. (Social media and public administration: social sentiment analysis about the performance of the Brazilian Federal Government)
  240. Sentiment Analysis, Social Media, and Public Administration
  241. Morally Judging Entertainment: A Case Study of Live Tweeting During Downton Abbey
  242. Are We There Yet?
  243. From fat cats to cool cats? CEOs and micro-celebrity practices on Twitter
  244. Every Crisis is a Digital Opportunity: The Aganaktismenoi Movement’s Use of Social Media and the Emergence of Networked Solidarity in Greece
  245. Interactiv e Content Analysis: Evaluating Interactive Variants of Non-negative Matrix Factorisation and Latent Dirichlet Allocation as Qualitative Content Analysis Aids
  246. What do Chinese-language microblog users do with Baidu Baike and Chinese Wikipedia? A case study of information engagement
  247. Using Twitter to mobilize protest action: online mobilization patterns and action repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados, and Aganaktismenoi movements
  248. Tweeting Alone? An Analysis of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital in Online Networks
  249. Battle of the Sexes: Gender Analysis of Professional Athlete Tweets
  250. A cross-sectional examination of marketing of electronic cigarettes on Twitter
  251. Filter &amp; follow: how social media foster content curation
  252. Tweeting the Boston Marathon Bombings: A Case Study Of Twitter Content in the Immediate Aftermath of a Major Event
  253. Understanding Information and Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities: Emerging Research Approaches
  254. Making Sense of Self-Reported Socially Significant Data Using Computational Methods
  255. Ethics and Interdisciplinarity in Computational Social Science
  256. The Evolution of Roosevelt’s Rhetorical Legacy: Presidential Rhetoric about Rights in Domestic and Foreign Affairs, 1933-2011
  257. The State Of The Art: A Literature Review of Social Media Intelligence Capabilities for Counter-Terrorism
  258. Game in the Newsroom: Greedy Bloggers for Picky Audience
  259. Amministrazioni Pubbliche E Gestione Degli Eventi Critici Attraverso I Social Media: Il Caso Di #Firenzeneve. (Public administration and management of critical events through social media: the case of #firenzeneve)
  260. Vieni Via Con Me. Consumo Televisivo, Social Media E Civic Engagement
  261. Twitter and the Journalistic Field: How the Growth of a New(s) Medium Is Transforming Journalism
  262. Using DiscoverText for Large Scale Twitter Harvesting
  263. Second Screen and Participation: A Content Analysis on a Full Season Dataset of Tweets
  264. Social Knowledge Creation: Three Annotated Bibliographies
  265. The research of Web mining
  266. Networked Fandom: Applying Systems Theory to Sport Twitter Analysis
  267. Tweeting the Government: Preliminary findings from a genre analysis of Canadian federal government tweets
  268. Use of Diffusion of Innovations Theory in Medical Informatics Research
  269. City Magazines and Social Media: Moving Beyond the Monthly
  270. #WorldSeries: An Empirical Examination of a Twitter Hashtag During a Major Sporting Event
  271. The cultural environment: measuring culture with big data
  272. InfoExtractor—A Tool for Social Media Data Mining
  273. Public Sentiment and Critical Framing in Social Media Content During the 2012 U.S. Presidential Campaign
  274. The Labeling of Individuals as Enemy Combatants in a Post 9/11 American Society
  275. A ciência social digitalizada: avanços, oportunidades e desafios. (Social science goes digital: developments, opportunities and challenges)
  276. Political Magazines on Twitter During the U.S. Presidential Election 2012
  277. Choosing Between the One-Way or Two-Way Street: An Exploration of Relationship Promotion by Professional Athletes on Twitter
  278. The coding manual for qualitative researchers
  279. Qualitative Research, Technology, and Global Change
  280. Are we bowling at all? An analysis of social capital in online networks
  281. International Research Roadmap on ICT Tools for Governance and Policy Modelling
  282. Author Identification on Twitter
  283. Dissemination of truvada-related health information through twitter
  284. Electronic Devices Sales Prediction Using Social Media Sentiment Analysis
  285. Programmed method: developing a toolset for capturing and analyzing tweets
  286. Text analytics for social research
  287. DiscoverText: Software training to unlock the power of text
  288. Research Challenge on Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis